1. Tell the community and announcer details????
👉The Nexgen Inventive Information Technology Private Limited was launched on 11-12-2013.After that nexmoney company was successfully grown in January 2017. The nexmoney company is Pune, and the nexmoney is a fully licensed company and
Nexmoney Md Sir name Abhishek kumar burman and
google The most senior of the Chairman and manging director (cmd) of India and u will get all the information.✔
Nexmoney Md Sir name Abhishek kumar burman and
google The most senior of the Chairman and manging director (cmd) of India and u will get all the information.✔
2. For what the nexmoney company was started?
👉Nexmoney has been launched to eradicate the joblessness.
To build self-empolyed and grow in digital india.✔
To build self-empolyed and grow in digital india.✔
3.You are getting the service through this App :
1.All network recharge
2.Data card recharge
3.Dth Recharge
6.Eb bill
7.Water bill
8.Bus ticket
9.Train ticket
10.Flight ticket
6.Eb bill
7.Water bill
8.Bus ticket
9.Train ticket
10.Flight ticket
11.Movies ticket
12.Hotel booking
13.Merchant service
4. How was the cashback available in nexmoney?
👉Recharge, datacard, dth Recharge and Insurance are available for 2% cashback (Individual person). 3% cashback and 2% Reward points for bus, flight, train booking, 10% cashback for hotel booking (nexmoney tie-ups hotel only) and Nexmoney company tie-ups (Amazon, flipkart, ajio, shopclues , etc) 2% cashback online shopping. Movie tickets nexmoney you get 10% cashback (individual person)✔
5.Tell the Elevate Income for the Level 👉 UPTO LEVEL 10 COMMISSIONS DETAILS:
LEVEL 1 - 300Rs
LEVEL 2 - 30Rs
LEVEL 3 - 45Rs
LEVEL 4 - 60Rs
LEVEL 5 - 75Rs
LEVEL 6 - 90Rs
LEVEL 7 - 105Rs
LEVEL 8 - 120Rs
LEVEL 9 - 135Rs
LEVEL 10 -150Rs
You can earn up to Rs. 146 crore on 10th level only if you refer 5 people.
➡1st Level - 5members x 300 Rs = Rs. 1500
➡2nd Level -
25 x 30 = Rs. 750
➡3rd Level -
125 x 45 = Rs. 5.625
➡4th Level -
625 x 60 = Rs. 37.500
625 x 60 = Rs. 37.500
➡5th Level -
3125 x 75 = Rs. 2,34,375
➡6th Level - 15625x 90 = Rs. 14,06,250
➡7th Level - 78125 x 105 = Rs. 82,03,125
➡8th Level - 390625 x 120 Rs. 4, 68,75,000
➡9th Level - 1953125 x 135 = Rs. 26,36,71,875
➡10th Level - 9765625 x 150 = Rs. 146,48,43,7507...
6.🤔🤔What is a Repurchase income?
👉You get 25% Cashback for all types of 10level in your team.
You can get 25% (25000Rs) cashback if transferring your total squad to 100000rs up to 10th level When you divide this into 10level, you get 2500rs cashback for each level.
You can get 25% (25000Rs) cashback if transferring your total squad to 100000rs up to 10th level When you divide this into 10level, you get 2500rs cashback for each level.
7.You can use use this app in own way.
1.Own usage
4.Wallet to Wallet
4.Wallet to Wallet
1.Own usage:
You can use your nexmoney wallet balance for all service.
You can use your nexmoney wallet balance for all service.
You can withdraw your receipts with your Redeem option and can only be withdraw if you have a minimum of 500. You will be credited within your bank within three or four days.
You can change the returns you receive in Redeem immediately to your Bank Account. For example, if you have 500Rs Imps, your nexmoney wallet balance (5rs + 1%) will be taxed.
4.Wallet to Wallet:
You can send your wallet balance to another nexmoney wallet.
8. How to upgrade in nexmoney???
ANSWER:👉When you register in Nexmoney, you will be prompted to Upgrade Membership if you touch an option.
If you open it, your wallet balance zero will show.
Fill the deatils:
1.Pan card number if not (leave blank)
2. Put your aadhar card number.
3.Nomine name: (e.g .: put your father or mother or wife or children)
5.Nomine Relation: _______
6.Area pincode: _________
7.I Accept;
✅ All terms and conditions box and click upgrade now and Payumoney gateway open.
✅ All terms and conditions box and click upgrade now and Payumoney gateway open.
🏀There are three options for cards, bank and upi. 🏀Choose cards option to select your credit or debit card
🎾Number- Then send the cvv code and then otp number will come to ur phone which was regestered in bank..
🎾Then 1770rs will add in your nexmoney wallet balance. Then again you will ask which option is upgrade membership. If you open, it will add 1770rs in wallet balance and then click to upgrade.
9.Your referral comes under 10level means and u will get Royalty bonus???
1.silver rank (1%)
2.gold rank (2%)
3.Diamond rank (3%)
4.Company royalty
4.Company royalty
1.Silver Rank:
If you join 5 members directly into your team and you reach 10 level, you will become the silver rank. You get 1% Royalty bonus monthly.
If you join 5 members directly into your team and you reach 10 level, you will become the silver rank. You get 1% Royalty bonus monthly.
2.Gold Rank:
You can become a member of the team directly 5 members and you get 5 silver rank in your team level 1 You will become gold rank. You get 2% Royalty bonus monthly.
3.Diamond Rank:
Joining 5 members directly into your team and you get 5 gold rank in your team level 1 You will become Diamond rank.You will get 3% Royalty bonus monthly.
4.Company Royalty:
You can become a Diamond Rank if you get 5 Membership in your team by taking 5 diamond rank in your team level and You get a monthly company Royalty bonus.
10.How to add money in Nexmoney wallet???
👉 click wallet option and go to add money option click and you can add money anymore.
👉 You can not redeem and imps the money you add.
11. What are Rewards points? Where can we use it?
ANSWER:👉1.All Recharge- (coming plan)
2.Bus, train, flight, hotel, merchant service, nexmoney shopping.
EXAMPLE: If you tick the use reward points box at 1000 bus bus location, you will have to pay 975Rs to 25Rs Enough. Your ticket will be immediately sent to Email by Nexmoney.
12.Nexmoney Merchant app usage:
ANSWER:👉Install the nexmoney merchant app by installing the nexmoney merchant app and fill in all of the information in it and enjoy the benefit.
13. What is the vision vision of our Nexmoney Company?
ANSWER:👉In 2020-year 2020 nexmoney millionaires are to be created. For more details click this websites .
More information contact ur upliners.✔